W.I.P by Cindy Williams Art

Well, once again I have stayed up way past my bedtime.

I got so involved in my painting, I looked up and AAACCCKKKK! It’s way too late!!!

I have to go to work in the morning.


This is a great example of using quality paper and quality pastels.


I love to use Fabre Castell pastels. There may be others who do not like them, but I find they blend well, and with the new paper I am using, they cover great!  It only takes a bit of pastel, which the paper has a rougher tooth on it, and it makes the pastel more powder, which I just blend into my paper. It makes me not use as much pastel or work as hard as my other paper.


The paper I am using for this painting is Canson Mi-Teintes pastel paper.

I buy the paper in big sheets and cut to the size I need.

This painting will be a 16×12″ size.

w.i.p. 16x12" Pastel Painting on Canson Mi-Teintes pastel paper ©Cindy Williams
Pastel Painting
on Canson Mi-Teintes pastel paper
©Cindy Williams


In a past post, I told about how forgiveness has helped clear my mind, as you can see this is different than some of my other art portraits I have done in the past.  Those of you who have followed me for a long time, and who have been through all of my experimenting, know what I mean.


I’m really happy how this is coming together.


I must say, I am not sure if I will post the final product here when I finish or if I post it in my email newsletter.


I guess I will make up my mind later and let you know where to find it, (in my newsletter), if I do not post it on my blog.


Please leave comments if you enjoy this painting so far.


I hope you all have a good evening, thank you all so much for dropping by.


Good night!

Cindy Williams

7 thoughts on “W.I.P by Cindy Williams Art

  1. Oh I like it to Cindy 🙂 I am just in awe that you can do this with pastels. i am terrible with portraits, and not well practiced in pastel. looking forward to seeing her finished 🙂

    1. Thank you Sheila, I told my hubby this morning (after only 4 hours of sleep!!) that I think it looks like an oil a bit 🙂 i cant believe the difference the paper makes, it just goes to show quality materials= better paintings 🙂 now I just gotta save some money for more haha 🙂

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